Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
- Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV
Dear Faithful Friends of St. Luke’s,
We are grateful to have been asked to lead our Stewardship Campaign this year and to spend these weeks with intention as we enter a season of giving. Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we align, coming together in purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things!
During this season we talk about money, about our budget. Yes, those things are important, they are the way we fund the Church, but our real focus is on what our gifts can do for the world. Jesus calls us to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, love our neighbor, and sharing our time, talent, and treasure is the way that we make this happen.
Each of us hears this call differently, just as each of us has been blessed by God differently. Our talents and training have been gifts freely given to us in Creation so that we may share them with a world in need. How will you feel God’s call to Walk in Love this year? How will you determine how you will share your gifts with God’s people in the world?
With this letter you are receiving the invitation to make your financial promise to the Church for the year to come. Before you fill it out, whether online or on paper, we ask that you pray about it, think about some of the stories of Walking in Love that you heard from parish members over the past few weeks, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts.
Our campaign will end with a blessing of pledge cards and a celebratory coffee hour on Sunday, November 17th. Please return your pledge card to us by then if possible so that we may count your pledge in our ingathering where your gift will be added to many others to be blessed, broken, and shared with the world! If you received a pledge card in the mail, you can mail it in or drop it off in the offertory plate at Church on Sunday. Or, you can fill out a secure, online pledge form by clicking the link at the bottom of this letter.
Please note that the only two people who see pledges are Fr. Jason and Dave Bernstein, our Treasurer. If you have a question specific to your pledge, please see Fr. Jason or Dave. Otherwise, if there is anything we can do to support you or questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us. Thank you again for all your generous support of the life and mission of St. Luke’s!
Walking with you in Love,
St. Luke’s Stewardship Team
Dave Bernstein
Joyce Britt
Amy Cook
Linda Cushner
Fr. Jason Lavann
Click here for a secure, electronic pledge card
Click here to Give to St. Luke's Securely
We are grateful to have been asked to lead our Stewardship Campaign this year and to spend these weeks with intention as we enter a season of giving. Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we align, coming together in purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things!
During this season we talk about money, about our budget. Yes, those things are important, they are the way we fund the Church, but our real focus is on what our gifts can do for the world. Jesus calls us to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, love our neighbor, and sharing our time, talent, and treasure is the way that we make this happen.
Each of us hears this call differently, just as each of us has been blessed by God differently. Our talents and training have been gifts freely given to us in Creation so that we may share them with a world in need. How will you feel God’s call to Walk in Love this year? How will you determine how you will share your gifts with God’s people in the world?
With this letter you are receiving the invitation to make your financial promise to the Church for the year to come. Before you fill it out, whether online or on paper, we ask that you pray about it, think about some of the stories of Walking in Love that you heard from parish members over the past few weeks, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts.
Our campaign will end with a blessing of pledge cards and a celebratory coffee hour on Sunday, November 17th. Please return your pledge card to us by then if possible so that we may count your pledge in our ingathering where your gift will be added to many others to be blessed, broken, and shared with the world! If you received a pledge card in the mail, you can mail it in or drop it off in the offertory plate at Church on Sunday. Or, you can fill out a secure, online pledge form by clicking the link at the bottom of this letter.
Please note that the only two people who see pledges are Fr. Jason and Dave Bernstein, our Treasurer. If you have a question specific to your pledge, please see Fr. Jason or Dave. Otherwise, if there is anything we can do to support you or questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us. Thank you again for all your generous support of the life and mission of St. Luke’s!
Walking with you in Love,
St. Luke’s Stewardship Team
Dave Bernstein
Joyce Britt
Amy Cook
Linda Cushner
Fr. Jason Lavann
Click here for a secure, electronic pledge card
Click here to Give to St. Luke's Securely