They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:8
Dear Friend,
We hope this letter finds you well! As you probably know, fall is when St. Luke’s and most parishes promote financial stewardship for the upcoming budget year. Your generous support, along with the rent collected from Nestling House, our daycare partner ($30,000 a year) and support from the diocese ($35,000 a year), helps make sure that ministry can be strong, bills are paid, and Fr. Jason can be here full-time as we continue the work of strategic development.
The work of strategic parish development is challenging, and a global pandemic certainly did not help. Yet, through all St. Luke’s has endured, we have continued to welcome new members with new gifts and energy. This has resulted in an increase in pledges and even financial surpluses at the end of the past few years. This is all good news that we and the diocese celebrate!
Recently, our Vestry and the diocese have been in conversation and will be reducing our aid from the diocese by $5,000 this year. This is good news and a sign of our growth! After all, the goal of strategic development is for a parish to eventually become self-sufficient. If this is going to be the case, we will need a more intentional focus on Financial Stewardship.
Over the past six years, our promotion of financial stewardship has rested on Fr. Jason developing a theme, sending out a letter with a pledge card, and then working with the Treasurer to process the pledges for our upcoming budget year. As we continue to grow and develop as a parish, one of the marks of health is expanding leadership in key areas. Stewardship is one of those key areas. To that end, we are pleased to announce that we have formed a Stewardship Team that will intentionally help us focus on Financial Stewardship in the fall and Stewardship of Time and Talent at other times throughout the year.
As our annual financial stewardship campaign gets underway, you will be hearing about the theme, Rooted in Abundance, and its reminder to us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us. This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith. We will explore the ways we dig deep into what nourishes us to transform that goodness into work, service, and joy in a world that needs us.
As a newly formed Stewardship Team, we are honored to lead this annual process of telling the story of our abundance and our gratitude. You will hear stories from parish members about how they find their lives rooted in this community of faith, and why they give out of that rootedness. We love hearing the stories that you will tell about what connects you to St. Luke’s and how your life flourishes where it has been planted. Every gift matters this year, and each gift will be accepted, brought to the altar, and blessed before God and our community.
While pledge cards are included in this letter, we encourage you to take time and listen to the stories of parish members in the coming weeks. Listen to why they find roots in this community of faith. We will have a special liturgy celebrating our pledges on November 19th. This year, as you pray about your commitment to our church, please tap into that nourishing structure of faith and generosity shown to us by an extravagant God, a patient Shepherd, and a gathering Spirit who call us to extend our networks and share our gifts with the world. When you are rooted in abundance, you realize that your giving can be as boundless as the Creation that gave birth to us all. Thank you for your generosity and your prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Luke’s.
In gratitude,
Dave Bernstein
Joyce Britt
Linda Cushner
Jason Lavann+
Click here for a secure, electronic pledge card
Click here to Give to St. Luke's Securely
We hope this letter finds you well! As you probably know, fall is when St. Luke’s and most parishes promote financial stewardship for the upcoming budget year. Your generous support, along with the rent collected from Nestling House, our daycare partner ($30,000 a year) and support from the diocese ($35,000 a year), helps make sure that ministry can be strong, bills are paid, and Fr. Jason can be here full-time as we continue the work of strategic development.
The work of strategic parish development is challenging, and a global pandemic certainly did not help. Yet, through all St. Luke’s has endured, we have continued to welcome new members with new gifts and energy. This has resulted in an increase in pledges and even financial surpluses at the end of the past few years. This is all good news that we and the diocese celebrate!
Recently, our Vestry and the diocese have been in conversation and will be reducing our aid from the diocese by $5,000 this year. This is good news and a sign of our growth! After all, the goal of strategic development is for a parish to eventually become self-sufficient. If this is going to be the case, we will need a more intentional focus on Financial Stewardship.
Over the past six years, our promotion of financial stewardship has rested on Fr. Jason developing a theme, sending out a letter with a pledge card, and then working with the Treasurer to process the pledges for our upcoming budget year. As we continue to grow and develop as a parish, one of the marks of health is expanding leadership in key areas. Stewardship is one of those key areas. To that end, we are pleased to announce that we have formed a Stewardship Team that will intentionally help us focus on Financial Stewardship in the fall and Stewardship of Time and Talent at other times throughout the year.
As our annual financial stewardship campaign gets underway, you will be hearing about the theme, Rooted in Abundance, and its reminder to us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us. This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith. We will explore the ways we dig deep into what nourishes us to transform that goodness into work, service, and joy in a world that needs us.
As a newly formed Stewardship Team, we are honored to lead this annual process of telling the story of our abundance and our gratitude. You will hear stories from parish members about how they find their lives rooted in this community of faith, and why they give out of that rootedness. We love hearing the stories that you will tell about what connects you to St. Luke’s and how your life flourishes where it has been planted. Every gift matters this year, and each gift will be accepted, brought to the altar, and blessed before God and our community.
While pledge cards are included in this letter, we encourage you to take time and listen to the stories of parish members in the coming weeks. Listen to why they find roots in this community of faith. We will have a special liturgy celebrating our pledges on November 19th. This year, as you pray about your commitment to our church, please tap into that nourishing structure of faith and generosity shown to us by an extravagant God, a patient Shepherd, and a gathering Spirit who call us to extend our networks and share our gifts with the world. When you are rooted in abundance, you realize that your giving can be as boundless as the Creation that gave birth to us all. Thank you for your generosity and your prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Luke’s.
In gratitude,
Dave Bernstein
Joyce Britt
Linda Cushner
Jason Lavann+
Click here for a secure, electronic pledge card
Click here to Give to St. Luke's Securely