Visitor Information
We look forward to meeting you when you visit St. Luke’s. We’ve listed a few things that we think will help your visit, but please contact us if you have any questions.
Getting Here St. Luke’s is located at 3200 S. Herman Street, at the corner of Herman Street and Euclid Avenue, where there is ample street parking. The front door is on Herman Street and a handicap accessible entrance is on Euclid Avenue. Sunday Worship
We worship the celebration of Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 9:00 AM. During the school year, children are invited to attend Sunday School which starts at 9:00 AM and rejoins the main liturgy during the Peace so that children and teachers can participate in the Eucharist. Coffee Hour is immediately after the service, downstairs in the church hall. We hope you join us for treats and coffee! Finding Your Way
Ushers will greet you upon your arrival at the Herman Street entrance. These ushers can you help you find anything you need while at St. Luke’s, so please do not hesitate to ask. Restrooms are on the lower level, at the bottom of the stairs. A diaper changing station is available in the women’s restroom. We love children and little ones, and we know that being part of the Eucharistic celebration is vital for their formation as Christians. Please do not worry if your child is squirmy or fussy during the liturgy. Quiet rooms are available just off the Narthex (lobby), if you feel the need to step out of the service for a moment. If you are new to worship in the Episcopal Church, there are orientation cards in the pews that give an overview of the service and describe the books we use. If physically able, we usually stand for hymns, prayers and the Gospel; sit for the lessons and psalms; and kneel for the confession and Eucharist. When in doubt, follow everyone else or ask a friendly face! |